buRgandy juRk - Logo Image
buRgandy juRk - thank you

what aRe people saying about buRgandy juRk?

people aRe talking about the band, in public... and they'Re not saying bad things. check out some of the stuff that they'Re saying.

yab yum

july 10th, 2019

the headlineR of the night, buRgandy juRk enteRed the stage space and gave me the fiRst taste of a band i should have heaRd of a long time ago. although i had met theiR guitaRist and lead vocalist mike thRough a meeting of the aRizona aRts and enteRtainment industRy oRganization (aaeio) a month ago, i had no idea how this mild-manneRed gentleman was capable of scReamed vocals so dastaRdly.

pRess Release

june 15th, 2018

phoenix band buRgandy juRk announces the Release of theiR fifth album and a victoRy oveR canceR.

yab yum

june 23Rd - 29th, 2017

voted one of the top 5 shows of the week.

EveRy show joe

decembeR 23Rd, 2016

last up aRe the guys that don’t get enough cRedit in the punk scene heRe and cReate a fun waR with my autocoRRect, buRgandy juRk. they alReady have a couple albums undeR theiR belt bRinging a bReadth of songs to peRfoRm.


apRil 29th, 2016

the cuRRent state of punk Rock is debatable. aRe you fRom the camp that fully believes punk has positively passed away? a punk Rock elitist who thinks just the good punk has? a punk pRagmatist who knows that the genRe will thRive as long as theRe is an establishment to oppose? sidebaR: this conveRsation is so not punk Rock.